Thursday 7 September 2017

Purified Water a Must Need to Stay Safe in the Present World

Water is life and you cannot do anything without water. Water you use must be purified and fresh. In the current times when there is huge scarcity of pure drinking water, at the same time science and technology make it more costly. However we can’t leave without purifying water. In a country like Nairobi, where people are conscious about water, energy each home and office is trying for a water purifier.

Purification and cleansing of water can be done   through an additional purification processes like, typically reverse osmosis, distillation or deionization and is not harmful to your body. While boiling water purification process is a costly affair, bottled water is also not good for health due to preservatives and contaminations. Boiled water is not necessarily always safe water.

If you are a prospective buyer of water purifier systems available in Nairobi, please follow the details to decide about an appropriate water purifier.

Tap water may be harmful-

Tap water may cause to rashes and skin burns, tooth enamel problems, and often contains arsenic, lead, barium, other toxic chemicals and bacteria. These countless microorganisms and toxins in tap water can contribute to allergy symptoms and disease. Nominal investment in water purifier price can help you to get rid of these chemicals from your drinking water to deal with all allergy symptoms.

Risk of contamination is reduced-

By drinking purified water, you will minimize your exposure to contaminants and may potentially reduce your allergy symptoms. Purified water comes from the methods of filtration like distillation or reverse osmosis. Both distilled and reverse osmosis water is completely lack of minerals, but consumption of mineral-free purified water may not harmful to your body and can be procured with an affordable price.

Pure water regulate your body properly-

Water is measured as a universal solvent that can support to drop your allergy symptoms through cellular hydration. Drinking water purifiers available in Nairobi can help to reduce illnesses by decreasing the toxin absorption and local immune responses as well as regulating physiological function.

Only drink pure water-

Blood in your body may contain 92 percent of water, muscle contains 75 percent of water and the whole body contains about 60 percent of water.  By consuming purified water, you can minimize your exposure to contaminants and may potentially decrease your allergic reaction symptoms. Minerals are vital to our cellular metabolism, growth, and vitality, and we get greater part of them from consuming food and mineral water. Market is filled with various water purifier companies, where everyone claims itself to have the best price and services. Aqua Vita PHSI bottle less water purification system with its best service can prove to be the most economical way to deal with Purified water solution.

Economical and affordable-

There are several brand water purifiers available; some of these use RO methods, some use Carbon Filtration, some of them also use UV filtration or integrated water purification process. But for commercial or residential purpose PHSI bottle-less water purification system sounds to be the best economic model available to market as it purifies and cool the water at the same energy cost.Present study shows that some people recognize that, their water purifier prices are affordable. Some agreed that somehow they have managed this price and some people agreed to the prices of water purifier to be high. Maximum percentage of people aware about water related diseases and certain people still does aware about water related disease. The percent access to clean or improved sources of Water Purifier system in Nairobi has improved a lot with the slow and steady infrastructural improvement. Investment in water purifier is very economical. One time investment may cost to you but in long run it can be a great idea and cost very less pocket money.


If you want to reduce water contamination, purchase a reverse osmosis unit. At Aqua Vita Limited Nairobi we serve banks, financial institutions, global corporate houses, healthcare offices, warehouses and many more. Our water purification technology indirectly reduces the costs and injuries and increasing productivity and efficiency. We suggest you to buy PHSI bottle-less water purification system at a pocket-friendly price for your house, society, office at a whole house water purification system that you can connect to the plumbing system at the point of entrance into the house to filter out chlorine, chemicals, particulates, and microorganisms from your drinking water. Get a free trial option and keep away from the unnecessary bottle prices; For any enquiry contact us on our telephone number<+255 222296270>, < +254 (0) 202396841>

Monday 10 July 2017

Bottled Water in Nairobi

Drinking water is a smart and healthy way to stay fit! Pure and fresh water helps you stay hydrated.  Bottled water may prove to be convenient way but it has plenty of downsides, which can affect your health, budget due to non-Fluorination, toxic nature of plastic, expensive. Relying on reverse osmosis drinking water systems or water purifiers to get fresh, clean, pure and healthy drinking water is one of the best way to keep fit.

Bottled Water is almost banned in Nairobi due to several factors.  A Reverse osmosis water system is preferred over the bottled water!

1. Remove Contaminants:

Drinking contaminated water can affect your health. Compared to the packaged bottled water, the reverse osmosis system or water purifiers efficiently removes the unwanted contaminates and offers pure and fresh drinking water. The special membrane of the reverse osmosis system filters out the vast majority of microscopic organisms, heavy metals and other contaminants like lead, copper, arsenic, chromium, radium and selenium. This ensures a reverse osmosis system provides clean, pure and safe drinking water.

2. Affordable:

Compared to the bottled water, reverse osmosis system or water purifier is a one-time investment and proves to be affordable. Buying bottled water in Nairobi all the time for your workplace and organization will prove to be expensive. With a reverse osmosis system, you will only be paying pennies per gallon to enjoy fresh, pure and healthy drinking water. It is found that some of the best restaurants, organizations, offices and many other commercial establishments in Nairobi are installing reverse osmosis system or water purifier to enjoy a cost-effective way getting clean and healthy drinking water.

3. Taste Quality:

Do you know!! The reverse osmosis water system or water purifier provides healthy and tasty water that not only quench your thirst but also helps in preparing good food, coffee, and tea. This also one of the main reason, which inspires most of the business and home owners in Nairobi to get rid of bottled drinking water and install reverse osmosis water system or water purifier.

4. Environmentally Friendly:

Use of plastic bottles results in landfills and pollution. As per the National Geographic, it is found that around 17 million of crude oil is used each year during the production of plastic bottles. In this case, you can avoid the use of bottled water and rely on reverse osmosis water system or water purifier, which will prove to be an environmentally friendly and safe way to enjoy fresh, clean and pure drinking water.

Make your home or office at Nairobi a safe water place by avoiding bottled water and installing a top quality reverse osmosis water system or water purifier. At  Aquavita LLc., We provide customers the highest performing water purification systems with reverse osmosis technology in Nairobi to enjoy better tasting, healthier and pure drinking water. Our PHSI water purification system not only eliminates the environmental impact of bottled water but also provides fresher and safer drinking water.

Contact us  +255 222296270/ +254 (0) 202396841 to know more about our bottle-less drinking water purification systems with reverse osmosis technology!

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Reverse Osmosis System : A Healthy Drinking Water Solution

Drinking sufficient water is no doubt a healthy decision! But, you still have so many options when it is about what kind of water you intake. Distilled? Bottled? Tap water? Natural spring water?

Reverse osmosis drinking water systems offer you with fresh and germ-free water right in your home or office. Below listed are a few reasons why it is the best alternative if you are looking for safe and clean water every time.

Lead-free water is healthy:

According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, the reverse osmosis filtering system can extract lead effectively, therefore making it safer for consumption. Excessive level of lead in your body can be upshot in hypertension, issues with fertility & development of muscle and nerve damage. Lead even lead to brain injury & prompt severe anemia in kids.

Filters Cryptosporidium:

According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, reverse osmosis water doesn’t feature cryptosporidium, an organism discovered in polluted water. Once consumed, these organisms affect our small intestines, prompting fever, diarrhea and stomach cramps. Children who come in contact with this organism can experience malnutrition and dehydration.

Extract sodium from the water:

Reverse osmosis extracts sodium molecules from water quite effectively. Larger sodium particles can’t go through the later of the reverse osmosis filter system. Therefore, drinking reverse osmosis water offers great benefits to individuals with liver or kidney disease, high blood pressure or any sodium restrictions.

It is better for cooking:

The contaminant in your home’s tap or bore-well water is going to impact the flavor of the foods you make.  When you bake homemade bread, boil pasta, or make soups, distilled water can make a huge different. If you are using tap water for cooking, there is a great chance you’ve excessive chlorine in it. That won’t just make foods to taste awkward, it discolors it also.

You will also discover that tea and coffee taste better with reverse osmosis water. Today you can easily come across many restaurants that are using reverse osmosis water for cooking.

It tastes wonderful:

Possibly the best reason why many people prefer to have reverse osmosis drinking water in their home or office is it tastes delicious. When you extract all those contaminants, you are left with nothing but distilled and refreshing water.

At AquaVita we offer affordable water filter in Nairobi using reverse osmosis filtration system. Whether you are looking for a water filter system for your home or office, we cover it all. Let us know if you have any question about our water filter systems. We are available 24x7 for your help on  +255 222296270.

Friday 24 March 2017

Why Install a Water Purifier ?

There are countless articles, books and research publications that state the importance drinking clean and pure water. As an employer in Nairobi, you should know that employees who stay hydrated are found to be more productive and healthy. We all know that the human brain contains 80 percent of water, which makes it important to stay hydrated by drinking fresh and pure water. This will help in improving the day to day functions of the brain and initiates better mood. To get clean, fresh and pure drinking water in your home or workplace, you need to install a top quality water purifier in Nairobi.

The importance of water purification in Nairobi:

You must understand the importance of water purification, which ensures good health, safety and improves the productivity of your employees. A human body is composed of approximately 70 percent of water. One should drink pure and fresh water to stay hydrated and healthy. In Nairobi, water purification has become a basic need for homes and businesses who want pure, fresh and clean water.

Compared to getting water straight from the tap, it is always wise to rely on a good quality water purification system that follows a reverse osmosis (RO) process. The reverse osmosis water purification process removes the organic compounds (like chlorine, chemicals, and solvents), sediments (like dirt, silt, and rust) and inorganic matter (like mercury, arsenic, and lead) from the normal water to provide you better-tasting and fresh drinking water.

Water purifier and your workplace in Nairobi:

To perform complicated tasks, your employees require a high level or concentration and attention. Throughout the day, you can allow your employees to stay productive and focused by installing a good quality water purifier. By providing healthier, tastier and purer water, your employees will stay hydrated and achieve an overall well being.

water purifier

Here are some benefits of drinking clean, pure and filtered water throughout the day:

1. Reduces headache
2. Improves joint and muscle health
3. Ensures good digestion, weight loss, and metabolism
4. Offers mental stability
How installing a water purifier in your workplace is worth?

1. Saves Money:

By installing a water purifier or filter in your Nairobi workplace, you can get rid of the costly bills and delivery charges of bottled water. With a good quality water purification system, you will no more have to pay for the bottled water for your workplace.

2. Gives Fresh Drinking Water:

A good quality water purifier will efficiently eliminate airborne contamination and microbiological contamination. This helps you to enjoy tastier, healthier and fresh drinking water.

If you want to buy a top quality and high performing water purifier in Nairobi, then rely on Aquavita. We provide certified water purification systems like purifiers that follow a reverse osmosis (RO) process to produce pure and fresh drinking water. Aquavita is proud to serve different industries like banks, NGO office, financial institutions, global corporate offices, healthcare offices and fitness centers.

To know more about our top quality water purification systems, give us a call today at +254 (0) 202 396841!